The importance of digital traceability in assuring compliant steel


The assurance of steel quality in In New Zealand, building projects is not just a matter of regulatory compliance but a cornerstone of construction safety and sustainability. Building officials play a pivotal role in this context, with the responsibility of verifying that all steel materials used meet the stringent standards required by the industry. This verification process is essential in preventing the use of substandard or fraudulent steel, which can have dire consequences for the structural integrity of buildings and, ultimately, public safety.

The advent of digital traceability represents a significant advancement in the battle against the use of uncertified, unspecified or even fraudulent steel in the construction industry. Digital systems, such as the one developed by ACRS - the ACRS Cloud - offers a robust solution to ensure the integrity of steel throughout the supply chain. ACRS Cloud is designed to track the journey of steel products from the manufacturer to the construction site, providing a transparent and verifiable record of their compliance with the required standards.

This digital traceability is crucial for several reasons. First, it allows building officials to easily verify the quality and origin of steel products, ensuring they meet New Zealand's rigorous standards. By accessing digital records, officials can quickly identify the manufacturer, the batch, and the specific tests each product has undergone, significantly reducing the risk of substandard materials being used in construction projects.

Second, the system acts as a deterrent against the introduction of fraudulent steel into the supply chain. Knowing that every piece of steel can be traced back to its source puts pressure on suppliers and manufacturers to maintain high standards of quality and compliance. It also makes it more difficult for unscrupulous actors to introduce counterfeit materials into the market, as each product's history is recorded and can be audited at any point.

Finally, digital traceability enhances the efficiency of the building certification process. Building officials can access real-time data on steel products, streamlining the approval process and ensuring that construction projects can proceed without unnecessary delays due to compliance concerns.

The role of building officials in verifying the quality of steel used in New Zealand's construction projects is of paramount importance. The introduction of digital traceability systems like the ACRS Cloud represents a significant step forward in ensuring the integrity of steel in the construction industry. By leveraging these technologies, New Zealand can continue to uphold the highest standards of safety and quality in its built environment, protecting its infrastructure and its users.

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By Dr. Andrew Wheeler, Executive Director, ACRS


This article originally appeared in BOINZ Straight Up Magazine, Autumn 2024 Edition. You can access the full edition and past editions here >

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