ACRS' structure,
governance & ethos

ACRS' organisational structure ensures impartiality and confidentiality

ACRS is structured around the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065. Impartiality and confidentiality are the two highest priorities of this Standard and require ACRS to have a corporate structure, governance, and personnel policies to achieve this.

As such, ACRS has been structured to ensure key organisational characteristics, including:

  • A balanced representation of interests, as shown by the Board
  • No Board representation by individuals from companies which could qualify for ACRS certification
  • Clear separation between personnel undertaking the evaluations and those providing approvals for certification
  • No disclosure of information gathered about a product or supplier during certification, to any third party without written consent of the supplier.

Safeguards, with respect to personnel, include:

  • All full-time and contract personnel are required to sign confidentiality agreements
  • While personnel may have worked for a potential certificate holder in the past, they will satisfy the requirements of Clause 5 of ISO Guide 65 for separation and impartiality

Board of Directors

The Board of ACRS is independent and represents a broad range of construction industry participants, including private and public sector specifiers, users and suppliers.

Nicholas Hill


John Fenwick

Deputy Chair

Andrew Wheeler

Executive Director

David Armston


Julian Borgert


Simon Croft


Colin Duffield


Rebecca Gravina


Dyan Johnson


Robert Johnson


Richard Newbigin


Ronald Pitman


Irene Scott


Diana Zagora


ACRS members

ACRS member companies support and represent a balanced range of interests, including government, specifiers, builders, certifiers, and suppliers. ACRS members endorse ACRS certification though their organisations and practice.

Our values and charter

ACRS values

ACRS operates through openness, transparency, honesty, individual contribution, group decision making and commitment to continuous improvement. We are characterised by professionalism and integrity.

Download the ACRS Ethos to read more

ACRS Charter

ACRS exists to provide for the continued manufacture and supply of reliable, safe, consistent quality, and responsibly sourced construction steel materials and associated products to Australian and New Zealand standards.

Download the ACRS Charter to read more