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Professor Rebecca Gravina appointed to ACRS Board


I am delighted to announce that the ACRS Board has appointed a new Director, Rebecca Gravina, Professor and Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Chair of Structural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering at The University of Queensland, onto the ACRS’s Board.

Rebecca is a Civil/Structural Engineer with 25 years’ experience in academia and consulting engineering. Prior to joining UQ, Rebecca was Professor in Civil/Structural Engineering at RMIT University and she has also worked for ARUP consulting engineers in Melbourne as a structural engineer. 

Professor Gravina is an established researcher with expertise in structural materials and analysis including non-linear finite element analysis of concrete structures, time-dependent behaviour, ductility and bond mechanics, repair and rehabilitation of deteriorated structures, fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in construction, recycled materials, pavements and engineering education. 

Professor Gravina is the co-author of the textbook 'Prestressed Concrete' by Warner, Foster and Gravina, she has published more than 100 research papers, has won numerous competitive research grants valued over $6 Million and teaching awards. Professor Gravina is the Editor in Chief of the Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, Immediate President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Australian Section, Executive Committee Member of the International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC), and Member of the Concrete Institute of Australia. Her research is well recognised by industry, and she continuously collaborates with civil infrastructure companies and agencies to support innovation and technology transfer.

Rebecca brings to the Board industry-leading expertise in construction materials and structures that will ensure that ACRS governance continues from strength to strength. Her experience and reputation in infrastructure and engineering will no doubt be an invaluable contribution to our technical offering.

The Board of ACRS represents a balance of interests and a broad range of construction industry participants, including private and public sector specifiers, users, and suppliers. Rebecca’s academic viewpoint will contribute greatly to the ACRS Scheme’s rigour and independence.


Andrew Wheeler
Executive Director, ACRS

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