ACRS February 17 update

ACRS February 17 update

Further to our last update on Pending sites we are pleased to announce that most remaining assessments have been completed and certificates issued. Our expectation that all pending issues will be resolved by the end of February 2017.

The next ACRS board meeting on 28 February. As part of the ACRS renewal strategy a number of proposals will be discussed.
  • Fine tuning of the existing ACRS’ “All product all locations” rules for the entire product range,
  • Creating a new “All product all locations by Product Class” for companies who do not desire to have the entire range of products assessed
  • review of strategic scenarios for the future of ACRS
  • review of ACRS governance model
  • and restructuring of the ACRS fees and charges

As you can see, ACRS is continuing with its strategic renewal program and we look forward to talking further with all our stakeholders as we move forward to implementation.
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